Zen Garden | Signature Wooden Gift Basket
Regular price Sale price +s8867501932800sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? s8867501932800sproductTemplatesp.compareAtPrice : ''"> $0 +s8867501932800sproductTemplatesp.priceRaw ? 'product-single__price on-sale' : 'product-single__price'" itemprop="price" content="200" [hidden]="!s8867501932800sproductTemplates.a" [text]="s8867501932800sproductTemplates.a ? s8867501932800sproductTemplatesp.price : ''"> $200.00
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Enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility with our 'Zen Garden' signature wooden gift basket. Includes:
- Choice of seasonally inspired floral or 6" plant
- 'Plant Zen' watercolor kit for beginners
- A linen bound notebook for journaling embossed with "The World Laughs in Flowers"
- A small pocket spiral top notebook
- A walnut bookmark
- A carpenter's pencil
- A Summit & Terrace gold tin travel candle
- A jar of white tipped matches
Fine Print: As we do work seasonally, we cannot guarantee specific blooms in our designs. Our florals are always seasonally inspired custom designs. Palette will stay true to the pictured aesthetic. Substitutions of equal or greater value may be substituted should we run out of stock of a particular item.